Meet Jenny

I believe in the wide, warm welcome of God. And I’m so glad you’re here.

Jenny Gehman wearing a burnt-orange poncho and a large smile

Hi friend, and welcome.

If you were in my home, I’d offer you a cup of tea and invite you to sit a spell in the little room I call our Nook. In the shade of a sprawling Sunset Maple we could spill our stories, you and me.

We may spill a tear or two as well. That’s perfectly fine. I’ve been told I have the gift of making people cry. And friend? I’ve suffered, too. Plenty. You’re in good company.

I am a spiritual director, retreat speaker, writer, and all-around word nerd. I love God & people, and my happy place is where the two intersect. I was trained as a music therapist, but hospitality is my heartbeat. I am a firm believer in the wild, wide-open, warm-hearted welcome of God, our "Holy Host." I believe it is at God’s table we are healed and made whole.

I am a wife to one man (35 years!) and mom to one son. I live in the Amish Country of Pennsylvania and am most happy when my little home is crammed full with as many people as possible. I enjoy crackling fires, classical music, and chocolate of the darkest variety. Oh, and alliteration. I enjoy that, too! For instance, more of my fav’s are hemlocks, hammocks, and hugs. You get the idea.

And if you must know, I’m an E (moving ever closer to an I) NFJ on the Myers Briggs and a 2 wing 3 on the Enneagram.


  • Hubby & I have shared our home with others for all but six-months of our married lives.

  • I get lost in revolving doors.

  • I name my cars. We currently have Frank & Ellie.

  • My husband proposed to me in Geneva, Switzerland (where all the important decisions are made).

  • My college degree is in Music Therapy.

  • I didn’t like fruits or vegetables until I was in my twenty’s.